Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nietzsche's last day...

Nietzsche will be meeting Puck and Delta Blue at the bridge this afternoon. I know they will be waiting there to greet him.

The veterinarians made the determination late yesterday that it's definitely cancer. There are no treatment options and with a dog that is unable to walk, there's also not much hope for a decent quality of life. Nietzsche spent last night at home with his family and is getting to eat some special treats of cheese and eggs and steak and whatever he wants.

His family searched the neighborhood to find a wagon that they could borrow. They got to take him out on a good walk last night. I am sure he enjoyed being able to get out and breathe some fresh air after being in the hospital the last several days.

A veterinarian will be visiting this afternoon to free Nietschze from this life and help him transition to the Rainbow Bridge. Run Free Nietschze. We will be seeing you again one day! Until then, keep my Monster Puck and Delta Blue company. I am sure you three will have fun playing together!


R3K9S said...

I am so glad he is having a special day here on earth before he goes to the bridge. I love how the vet is coming to the house too..

RIP boy. Run hard, free, and healthy at the bridge......

Hugs to your friend and his family

Julie said...

So sorry to hear that - made me cry. At least he won't be suffering here though. I hope Brian is hanging in there!

Unknown said...

I am so sad to hear it is the dreaded C. I hope he had a wonderful day and the family was able to say good bye to him and make wonderful memeories.
Run Free Nietzsche... my Brutus and Greta are there to greet you.