Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Taking it off together Tuesday!

It's my fourth week with this blog group. I've been eating much healthier for sure! It's nice to have some group support. I lost 3 lbs this week! That's a total of 14 overall! Not too shabby.

This week I am going to be dog sitting for Leon. I will be walking and walking and walking with the dogs for sure so it will be good for me!

Here are the reports for this week.

Chris - 3 GAIN
Tammy - 0 CHANGE
Life With Hashi-Thyroid Blog - 1 LOSS
Grace - 0.4 LOSS
Leigh - 2.5 GAIN
Clara - 0 CHANGE
Dette - 0.5 LOSS
Julie - 1 LOSS
Cheryl - 0 CHANGE
Cyn Blue -0 CHANGE
Audrey - 5.2 LOSS
Christy - 3 LOSS
Tina - no report

This week's total - 5.6 LOSS!


Unknown said...

Good Job Christy! I am so proud of you. You are doing GREAT!

Pam said...

great job on the loss! wow, it's because of everyone in this group that i finally got my butt and gear and have been losing instead of fluctuating all the time. it is nice to have a support group, isn't it?

Clara said...

Way to go! And have fun walking the dogs!

Chris said...

woo hoo ! way ta go on the loss ! You are doing so good, thanks for stoppin' by and sorry for the late reply, but I hope you have a great week!

Tammy said...

You are doing awesome! Keep it up!!! It does really help to have to report. This group has helped me.

Cheryl said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! I love the dog pics as well
Take Care