Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My blog is moving.

My blog is moving...It will take a few days but it will soon be My Spoiled Mutts. Thanks so much to my friend Cynthia for helping set it up!! I'm excited to have my own site soon! Keep watching! I may still post on this blog until the other is up and running.


Chris said...

Oh goodie! I am glad you are moving. you can do paid posts then to support your dog habbit, heeheehe. She just set me up w/another blog too, a Cat Blog. I need to get it going tho...ugh, not enough time in a day ! !

Tammy said...

Let us know where you are. I'm looking forward to checking out your new one.

Pam said...

how do you get set up w a blog? i tried clicking on the links in the post, but they didn't work. can't wait to see the new blog.

myspoileddogs said...

I'm not sure why the links weren't working but I fixed them.

Oh and I have no idea how to set up the blog. I have to depend on good friends that know what they are doing!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!! I just added your new blog to my blog reader so I won't miss any of the action.