Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finished Painting!!!

We finished painting! Actually, we finished Friday night! I was SO happy to be done with it and I am pleased with the way things turned out. I think the house looks a lot better with a fresh coat of paint. It will rent easier in the future and hopefully this tenant will stay a bit longer than previous tenants!

THANKS SO MUCH TO ALL THE GOOD FRIENDS AND FAMILY THAT CAME OUT TO HELP! There's no way I would have finished this if I hadn't had so many people willing to spend a few hours painting!!!


Tatum Tot said...

Yay to be done paintings! The Mum here started to do a loud weird thing she calls a sander... and says she will paint eventually. Who was that hooman who said she likes to paint? LOL

Unknown said...

So glad you are finished! What a relief.