Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dylan at the Course a Lure!

Dyl got to run the course a lure a couple times today. He had trouble with that last corner. It was just too sharp for him but overall he did well. He brought home a bronze medal.

My friend had her video camera there so she put it up on youtube.


Unknown said...

Awesome!!! You were with Cynthia!

When I started that video I was like OMG I just saw that video with Chase, wait, thats not Chase.

Looks like you guys had a great time! I think Apollo and Hera would LOVE it!

myspoileddogs said...

Ahh yeah. Cyn is in my flyball club and she had someone video Chase and Dylan at the lure course! It was lots of fun!!!

Unknown said...

That is so cool to see! I need to come see him sometime. He looks really good.