Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The nickname fits!

Puck is a monster. So much so that we call him that. He thinks he's a dog and shows no fear to go smack Dylan in the face and entice him to play. Dylan has actually be play bowing and playing with him from time to time which makes me very happy! I love it when Dylan gets comfortable enough to play with another animal.

Lately, he's figured out how to get up on top of the cabinets at Paul's house. Now he spends a ton of time hanging out up there. Pretty much any time we start wondering what he is up to, he's hanging out in his new favorite spot.

When Paul adopted Puck I gave him the kitty cube that I had bought the little monster for Christmas. He loved it at my house but it was the only bed in his tower that I contained him in while I was away so he hung out in there often. He hasn't really used it at Paul's so last night Paul got the idea to put his kitty cube up on top of the cabinets. It didn't take him long to realize he now has a soft bed in his favorite hangout.
I'm sure he will be spending lots of time in his cube from here on out.