Monday, May 19, 2008

Another great Flyball practice!

We had Flyball again last night and had a great time! Dylan was on his game and did a great job racing! He came back every time and did his job well! I always feel energized after a good practice with him! We won't have practice next week because of the holiday weekend so it feels like he has been practicing only sporadically the last few months. I'm hoping he will stay injury free for the next few months (at least!) so we can get back to consistent flyball practices.

Miss Marley went along because I wasn't sure if they wanted her to run in the upcoming demo. They said they don't need her which is better for her in the long run. She's retired from flyball but I don't mind letting her run once in a while.
This pic is of Dylan at a tournament in St George. I really don't have any great flyball pics of him but I am hoping my friend will bring her new camera around one of these days and take some shots of my dyl pickle. She's taken a bunch of flyball shots at practice of the other dogs on the team but Dylan hasn't been there on the right days. One of these days he will get new pics; I hope!

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