Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The drain on day #2

Two days in and this drain is looking pretty disgusting. Her fur is all crusty and gross and I have yet to find a good way to clean it. I thought I had some waterless pet shampoo but I can't find it in my messy house. A warm wash cloth is not helping much. Two more days and Marley will be able to do some cleaning herself. At least that will get us by until she can have a real bath.

I'm concerned about the new bruises. The vet's office said just to put warm compresses on the area a couple times a day. When I do this, the drain drips more frequently so I guess it should be working. I keep cleaning her skin but some of it is looking a bit irritated.

The good news is you can barely see the scar from the original surgery in the picture. It's looking so good! One down and three more to go! I can't believe that incision is only 12 days old.

I wonder how long it will be until her hair grows back. She's had her belly shaved twice in the past 2 weeks and also one of her legs has a ring where it's been shaved twice for the IV. It looks a bit funny for sure!!

I'm still just so grateful that my baby girl has lived through all of this. She's been a pretty good sport and is getting very used to showing people her belly on demand. She already knew this as a trick but she often rolled all the way over instead of stopping on her back. Now she is stopping on her back every time because I keep making her do it 10 times a day.


Anonymous said...

Hugs to you and Miss Marley

Unknown said...

Sounds like she is being a good sport, she must know it's going to make her better in the long run! Sounds like you are hanging in there, sorry you have to go through all this! I am glad Marley is alive too. That is very scary to think about.

Unknown said...

oh ouchie ouch! It sure looks painful. I am glad she is doing well and is such good sport. Have you heard anything from the other dog's owner if you dont mind me asking.

myspoileddogs said...

Yes, the other dog's owner has checked with me almost everyday to see how she is doing. They are friends and neighbors and I have a good relationship with them. They've been very concerned about my little girl.