Monday, June 2, 2008

Dogs Bounce Back

I'm amazed after such a serious injury that Marley has bounced right back. She wants to run and play and acts like she is in no pain at all. The bruising is fading more and more every day and the incision looks like it is healing well. I am doing whatever I can to keep her from running and jumping up on things.

I think if people were in her situation they would still be in bed. Dog's somehow bounce right back to normal after major surgeries. It's like she doesn't realize she is hurt! I'm just so happy to see her act like her normal self. I think that's a good sign that she is healing really well!!


Unknown said...

She looked so good the other night. Much better than I imagined. I am glad she is doing so well!!

Unknown said...

I KNOW I would still be in bed feeling sorry for myself. Dogs are amazing... just one more reason to love them.

Glad she is on the mend.