Monday, July 14, 2008

You're So Vain...You Probably Think This Blog is About You

I thought this was a fun game and decided to play are the rules:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.

It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you (and if this isn't on there...I'll assume you're a procrastinator like me and will check back later!)


Unknown said...

A memory I have of you is when you brought me flowers when my car was stolen & took me to work. It was so nice of you to do that! You also brought me flowers when my little foster kitty died. Both times you totally surprised me. You are always thoughtful like that!! I will post this memory thing on my blog tomorrow!

Melissa said...

I also remember Green Street. You were always good about helping Jeff and I find fun things to do in Salt Lake. I remember going to the Drum Circle at Liberty Park with you. There was a fun Hawaiian themed party we went to once. I also remember how you were so nice to always pick Jeff up at the airport or help him any time he needed something. You have always been a good friend to us. More recently I thought it was awfully nice of you to drive to Lindon to see us on a busy Saturday.

myspoileddogs said...

Jules I don't even remember doing that!!!

myspoileddogs said...

Melissa - I remember liberty park too! I think I was at a pretty crazy point in my life then. It was lots of fun though.

R3K9S said...

Following you home from a flyball tournament. We were dodging dancing orange construction cones in the black of night and stopping every hour to laugh, to get coffee, to just get out of the car or maybe go potty!

I still crack up thinking about that drive! thanks MSD!

myspoileddogs said...

That was a scary night. I will always remember pulling off by Yuba Lake in the middle of the night and how dark it was with all the star. That was the stop after 13 miles of dancing orange construction cones. OMG was it scary!!

Unknown said...

I remember that very well. I was so upset both times & you cheered me up :)