Friday, July 25, 2008

Marley is making progress!

We've been back to the vet for a follow up today. It's been almost 2 months since the dog fight where she got injured. She's making progress and healing well. The strained muscle in her leg is lots better and her lower back is healing well. There are still some tight and tense muscles in her mid back and neck. Time will help them heal and I think the accupucture and chiropractice help.

She's had some sort of reaction to the sutures. Her insicision from the first surgery is now lumpy. Our wonderful vet said it was probably the die that caused the reaction so I've called to have them add notes to her files at her other vet's offices (she now has 3 vets!) not to use those same kind of sutures if she needs stitches in the future. She got some Vitamin B12 shots in the scar tissue that will help break it up so we don't have problems in the future with her stomach being too tight.

Marley is still nervous about being in the vets office but she did a lot better today than last time. I think this whole thing has been a bit traumatizing. The moment we walk into Willow Creek she has her tail tucked and acts terrified. Luckily our holistic vet is wonderful to work with her and reward her for being a good girl while she is working on her.

Marley has been approved to go back to work as a therapy dog! I have called to try to get a date and time set up. She's still not allowed to do any agility or flyball but I'm not working her there anyway so it really doesn't matter. Mostly the vet wants me to try to limit her jumping as much as possible while her back continues to heal.

We will go in again next month for some more chiropratic and accupuncture. She'll also have a thermal scan and maybe some more B12 shots in the scar tissue. With time, she will heal and keep feeling better and better. I'm just so grateful my baby girl has made it through all this. Her injuries were potentially life threatening but she's a trooper and has done well throughout the many vet visits and having people poke and prod her all the time.

Her hair still isn't grown back all the way but it's coming back. It's funny that she still seems to have a ring around one leg where she had the IV. Soon you won't be able to tell though that there was ever an IV there!!

1 comment:

Georgeous said...

Glad Marley is feeling better. Send her a big Georgeous kiss.
Love George