Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Marley's a working girl!

Marley finally got released by the vet to go back to work as a therapy dog. She started out strong on Sunday when she went to the Park Silly Market on Sunday. We worked in the UUATA as a representative for the group. She was a great therapy dog and let all the people and kids love on her. She performed lots of tricks for people and made me happy.

I had been worried about taking her out to such a busy place. She's been more stressed around other dogs than she was prior to getting injured. She did great though and I just made sure she kept a few feet distance from every dog there! Some of the other people with the group think I am crazy because I don't just want her to socialize with the other therapy dogs there. I think they are crazy for not understanding that it's not the best plan to just let your dog approach another without asking permission! Some people there seem to have very little knowledge of behavior and training. Oh well, my dog = my rules. She doesn't get to socialize when she is working. Mostly, I worry that uninformed people may mistake her vocalizations for aggression. People don't understand that a little girl with so many issues and so much pain - needs to communicate to other dogs that they can't jump all over her.

I'm glad that we are able to get back out and working. We are actually going out tomorrow evening for our first visit back at our facility. Marley was ecstatic when I got out her collar and bandana. She new that it was going to be her time to be the center of attention. I'm glad that she is finally ready to go back to doing the thing she seems to love so very much!


Unknown said...

Congrats to Marley! That's great news!

Unknown said...

Congrats she is back to working. My dogs LOVE doing therapy visits.

You would thing that people that take their dogs to see patients would know better! Such a shame.. You should ALWAYS ask

Melissa said...

Glad to hear she is feeling better. The other issues will take time. Too bad people aren't more understanding.

R3K9S said...

Glad to hear that she is back to work. I can tell how much you both enjoy it!

Hugs to Miss Marley and Dylan!

Anonymous said...

Good for Marley! Sounds like you both had a really nice day together.

My Jessie was a vocal girl too and people almost always misunderstood her. It was a bummer because you just couldn't convince them that she didn't mean any harm. I really miss her grumblies now!