Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Puck's Ashes

It's been over two months since we tragically lost our dear kitty Puck. The shock of it all has passed. The pain has not. I feel so fortunate that I have been so distracted by Marley's injuries because it's helped me move on. If I hadn't had a few other major events since Puck's death I'd probably not have dealt with his death as well as I did.

This week we went through some of his stuff and gave it to a friend who has cats and can use it. I am glad that Puck's toys and food and litter will be put to good use. He never would have wanted the food to go to waste. He always believed that every crumb of food deserved to be eaten!!

Paul has made a decision on what to do with the ashes. We are going to spread them in the yard and bury the cedar box and his crinkle cave that he loved so much. We also got some small urns on eBay for each of us to keep a small amount of the ashes.

I'm torn on the idea of getting another cat. I know I can't afford it but I miss Puck's presence so much. I am also very allergic to cats so I never should have had one to begin with. Puck was special though and I am not sure another cat will fill the void. At least I could save a life though.


R3K9S said...

I love the idea of the small urns and putting his ashes with and in the things/people he loved most in the world.

Yes he was very special. And I think Puck would want you to continue to rescue Cats in his memory... Maybe set up a Puck Rescue in his honor/memory.

Unknown said...

what a great idea to have small personal urns. That way each of you has a small part of him.

I didnt want another Saint after loosing my first Brutus... I didn't think it would be fair to his memory. But as time went by and my heart healed, getting another one was a testament to how much I loved him and the mark he made on my life. So don't rule it out. You may be bringing home another kitty in his honor some day.

Georgeous said...

Ah I love the electric shock picture. You know Mummy said you'll fel so much better when you complete the ashes. She did ceremonies for her beloved rotties before me, she spent days writing and reflecting, she said it was a wonderful healing process. In fact, Scoobies anniversay is on my blog, it may give you some inspiration. She went totally overboard and had handouts and readings. BUT the healing process made everyone peaceful.
Hope you have a wonderful closure as you fill your heart with Puck's memories.
Love 'n' Snuffs

Cheryl said...

I am so sorry for your loss. It is painful. I recently loss my cat Buster - Had her for 15 years. I love the pictures you have. I hope that you find comfort in the memories of Puck and the support of good friends.

Unknown said...

Wow ... that made me cry. I think it's great what you guys are doing! I also love the pictures of Puck. I am glad you guys thought this through. One suggestion ... maybe foster a cat & not adopt one until you find the right one?? Just because cats are all so different & it would be nice to find good homes for cats while still trying to find a good match for you. Good Luck on that!! & thanks for the update about Puck. He was an amazing cat.