Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Taking It Off Together Tuesday!

The results are in. I am not quite sure how I ended up with an 8 lb loss. But somehow it happened. I really was trying to count calories last week and feel like I ate plenty but I ate really healthy food. Saturday night I even went to a barbecue and ate a bunch of crap and chocolate cake!! During the day I made a point to pack a healthy lunch to take to the Bark in the Park so I wasn't tempted to eat whatever crappy food was available to me.

I didn't go to the gym at all but I stayed pretty active by walking dogs and hauling around 30 lb bags of dog food at work. I also spent all day Saturday out and about at the Bark in the Park and Sunday I did yard work.

8 lbs is way over my goal of 2-3 lbs a week. They say losing weight too fast is unhealthy but I feel like I did things right. I didn't starve myself and I didn't over exercise for sure. I only felt really hungry one day and I ended up eating an apple as soon as I got home from work anyway. So I guess it's alright. I don't expect that it will happen again but I guess I will keep on the same path and see what happens. I did get permission from the doctor to go back to the gym so I will be starting back on the elliptical a couple days a week after work.

Chris - 1 GAIN
Tammy - 1 LOSS
Life With Hashi-Thyroid Blog - 1 LOSS
Grace - 1.4 GAIN
Leigh - 0.5 GAIN
Clara - 0.5 LOSS
Dette - -1.5 LOSS
Julie - 2.2 LOSS
Cheryl - 1 GAIN
Cyn Blue - 0 CHANGE
Audrey - On VACATION
Christy - 8 LOSS!! You go girl!

Welcome new member Tina with a 1 pound loss!

Total : 11.3 LOSS WOOT!!


Melissa said...

That's awesome. As long as you feel ok, I would say it is ok to take off as much as comes off. You would know if you weren't eating enough. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Good Job! I still can't believe you lost 8 lbs. I am proud of you! It sounds like you are doing everything right. Exercise should help too. I need to get motivation to do that dang it!

Anonymous said...

You GO girl - congratulations!!

Pam said...

i think you did a great job! and sometimes, weight will come off faster. i find that someone like me who is over 200 lbs will lose weight faster and lose more weight than someone who is 150 trying to lose weight. there's a reason for that, but i don't think i can explain it right! LOL before thyroid disease i had gained weight and was around 185. i got down to 125 in 3 months all by changing the way i ate and my job as a keno runner in vegas. my metabolism is shot to hell, but i'm just happy losing ONE pound a week :) if i could lose EIGHT, man, that would be cool. but thyroid peeps are lucky to lose 1/2 pound a week on average.

anyways, keep up the good work! you're totally kicking butt!

Tammy said...

Super job this week 8 lb loss is fantastic! Keep up the good work you are doing such a great job.

Chris said...

I think 8 pounds is good and not too much too fast. dont worry tho, when you loose more, and get skinny, it gets very hard to even loss at all. (my memories from when I was a skinny kid) heeheehee. take care ! XO

Unknown said...

congrats.. that's a huge accomplishment. Sounds like your metabolism is kicking into high gear now.