Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More BSL laws in Utah?

I can't believe they are actually considering more BSL laws here. There are a few already and I can't believe the number of people who judge a dog by it's breed. I got this announcement today:

Sandy City is considering restricting or banning certain breeds of dogs. Currently this list includes 'Pit Bulls' (not yet defined), Rottweilers and Presa Caranios.

Please attend the public hearing for this new animal ordinance

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sandy City Hall
10000 Centennial Parkway

The draft ordinance should be available this Friday, though it may be in paper format only (no electronic copies).

Please forward this email to Sandy City dog owners. Although all those concerned about this type of issue should attend, Sandy City residents will have the most influence on their City Council.

I don't own bully breeds but I still don't think you should be able to completely ban a breed of dog just based on it's breed. There are plenty of wonderful bully dogs out there. There are also plenty of wonderful and responsible bully breed owners. I'm friends with multiple people who own bully dogs. I can't believe these dogs get a such a bad rap just because a few bad people have bred them to be aggressive. It's ridiculous to punish the dogs instead of the bad people who have created the problem.

**PLEASE CROSSPOST**I will there asking some tough questions. I have also started a petition... These breeds are close to my heart as I have been working, training and rescuing them for almost a decade. Please forward this link to everyone you know - I would love to have several signatures by next tuesday!Thank You!Anna SIGN HERE: http://www.petitiononline.com/SandyBB/petition.html

"Until there are none... adopt one!"
Anna & The Neo Nectar Gang - Eros & Eudora


It sounds like Provo is considering a dangerous dog law. This would apply to all breeds rather than just the dog's breed. This is a much better option to control problems with dog aggression.



Melissa said...

That is really sad they are ready to ban the whole breed. Maybe something can be done. What do you do with the dog you already have if it is banned? Are you supposed to get rid of it?

Unknown said...

That is interesting in Provo, that only 9 out of 93 dog bites were Pit Bulls ... yet this is the breed everybody wants to ban. It is definitely the owners & not the dog. Stupid people!!

Georgeous said...

OMDog....did you see my Mummy's post on the top ten terror's? http://www.georgeous.us/blog/?p=87#more-87
There's no rotties there & it was a USA survey....
I'm prejudiced of course and I think they need to put laws out on people!!!
Lots of love 'n' licks

myspoileddogs said...

It's really sad George that people can think that dogs like you should not be allowed just because of your breed! You seem like such a good boy (even if you have a few social issues because of your background). I'm sure your mom and dad manage any issues really well!

Anonymous said...

I've met plenty of pitbulls because they're my favorite dog. And I can honsestly say I've never been bitten or even threatened by one. The sweetest was actually a pit/shepard mix, amazing dog. She lived at a party house and put up with a lot of ppl and never hurt anyone. We have a chocolate lab we rescued and someone did a number on her cuz she is very aggressive towards kids. It's definately not the breed.