Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Why don't people care about dog food?

It's always amazing to me how little people seem to think about what they are feeding to their dogs. The crap that goes into a lot of dog foods is really horrendous. I can't beleive it's even legal!

I've gone back and forth feeding Raw and kibble for a while now. I really like the Raw food plan for my dogs that allows me to feed them kibble in the morning and raw in the evening. It's what I would do if I could afford it. Unfortunately, I have been living on a pretty tight budget lately and had to cut most the raw food out. My dogs eat a high quality kibble. Each have their own dietary needs so they eat two different foods.

I really wish that people would do a bit of research about foods before they get a dog or a cat. I spend time whenever I place an animal talking about appropriate diet. I don't want my fosters going to somewhere that will feed them crap for food. I've had good success at finding people who actually will feed a decent diet.

I've been working for a holistic pet food company for a few weeks now. I really think they have a great product which makes it a good part time job for me. I have a hard time dealing with people though because I want to tell them that the food they are feeding sucks! Or that their dog is overweight and needs to be on a controlled diet or that they should take the prong collar off or get their dog fixed or they best not breed. I have so many opinions when it comes to dogs and I really can't express them when I am working. It's become a bit of a challenge for me but I am sure I can handle it.

It's rewarding to know that people are switching from crappy dog food to the food I am selling. I know it will make a difference in their dog's life. I just hope that most of them stick with it. I know so many are concerned about the expense but I really beleive that it works itself out over time with less in vet bills and with feeding less food overall.

If you are in SLC and reading this, I highly recommend taking one of Puppenschnoodles FREE seminars on how to choose a good pet food. You can find the schedule at http://www.puppenschnoodles.com

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