Saturday, June 21, 2008

My turn at the Chiropractor

The knee pain keeps getting worse and worse. So much so that I finally got online and called every chiropractor that accepts my insurance and by a miracle - one was open today.
The doctor was nice enough to see me and felt bad that I was keeling over in pain while in the waiting room at his office. After an exam of my knee and my feet (since he was pretty sure the knee pain wasn't due to a back problem), the doctor still isn't quite sure what's causing it. Best guess is that my shoes either have too much arch support or not enough. I was wearing my beloved crocs when I went to his office which have no support at all. But when I told him I had been wearing my new keen sandals quite a bit he suspected that too much support might be the issue.
So I am told to wear only sneakers till Monday. He wants me to keep it wrapped and showed me how to wrap it right. Stay off it as much as possible and keep it iced when I can. He adjusted my knee and hip but it didn't seem to make much difference.
Now after several hours of sitting on the couch with my knee up and on ice, the stabbing pains have slowed down a lot. I'm hoping it stays that way.


Unknown said...

Oh goodness.. it sounds like you are really having a tough time with that knee. I hope there is not tendon or ligament damage. From the sounds of it, I dont think it is due to your shoes OR arthritis... I'd see a GP or othro dr if it doesnt get better very soon. Shooting pains are not good.

Sending healing St Bernard drools..

myspoileddogs said...

Thanks Lora! It's actually gotten much better. No stabbing pains since last night. I am still staying off it it today but if the stabbing pains start again soon I am going to look into an orthopedic doctor.

Melissa said...

You are getting slammed with problems this month. I hope you will get better as well as your puppies. We will be in Utah this weekend. Hopefully we can meet up.

myspoileddogs said...

Melissa, I hope you guys will give me a call while you are here! I'd love to meet the camacho kids!!

myspoileddogs said...

Melissa, I hope you guys will give me a call while you are here! I'd love to meet the camacho kids!!

Cynthia Blue said...

I hope your knee feels much better much soon! I am going to the chiropractor tomorrow myself. My neck has been cracking and popping since last August. UGH. I went to a regular chiro and it didn't really help, I'm going to a neck specialist chiro tomorrow.

I hate regular doctors, I swear they never know what is going on!