Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More bruising for Marley

Marley girl has even more bruising. It's spreading all down the one side. I'm anxious to go into the vet this evening and see what they say.

The good news is, her flank is sagging less than it was before. That probably means some of the fluid has been absorbed into her body. Hopefully that means there won't be a need for a drain.

Marley also hasn't been pottying like she normally does. I have been having a hard time getting her to go out and go potty. Usually I send her out with Dylan and leave them out there for a few minutes. I've been letting her out alone since the surgery so she is not inclined to play with Dylan or fight at the fence with the new neighbor dog. Instead of going out to go potty she just stands on the porch waiting to be let in. If I go out there with her, she stands there looking at me.

I think she may not be drinking enough water. I will talk to the vet tonight but I may start her on some pedialite and low sodium chicken broth to make sure she is staying hydrated. I am also going to ask the vet to express her anal glands since she keeps rubbing her little bum on the carpet.


Anonymous said...

dogs are incredible healers, i hope this saga winds down soon, and marley can return to his joyful self. : )

Unknown said...

It is quite possible she is not drinking enough. When they are healing they need more fluid to flush out their systems.