Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More about Marley.

The dripping is getting better. She's still dripping fluids but not at the frequency she was on Sunday evening. She's learned to drink and eat with the cone on and is hanging out on her dog bed in the x pen. I did have her out and about in the house most the night last night and over at Paul's house as well.

She seems to not really care that she has this drain hanging out of her belly. She was trying to run after Dylan in the yard. We went out and walked last night and she was ecstatic to get out of the house. I learned though that it's too much to take her and Dylan out together right now if there are going to be other dogs off leash. So we will be doing separate walks or just walking the neighborhood until the stitches come out.

She does have some new bruising next to her new incision. It's swollen and yucky and I hope it doesn't get any worse because I don't want to have to go into the vet earlier than planned. We will see what it looks like tonight though. I'm glad this vet's office is open later!!!

I can't wait to give her a bath. Her fur around the belly is crusty and gross from all the draining. It won't wash out with a washcloth. I think I have some of that waterless pet shampoo though so maybe I will try that tonight.

1 comment:

Cynthia Blue said...

oh poor Miss Marley, she has been through so much lately. So has her Mom!