Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Taking it off together Tuesday!

Another week of reporting a loss! I'm happy it worked out that way because I was getting worried. I really wanted to stop eating fast food but I had it a few times last week! I also went to brunch on the weekend at the Little America buffet. It's so yummy and I ate way too much but I tried to keep it to a really light dinner that night to make up for my over indulgence in the morning.

I hope to lose at least 1.6 lbs this next week. That will put me at 30 lbs lost! Yippee!! It's gonna be tough though because I'll be working on the rental and won't want to take much time to cook. Plus I will want to provide food for my friends and family that are helping. I can't think of anything but Pizza that is inexpensive and can easily feed 4 or 5 people! I was thinking though that maybe subway sandwiches would be good? They have those new $5.00 foot longs.....So for 15-20 I could feed a bunch of people. That's a little less greasy! At least all the working and painting should burn off some of the extra calories!!

Here are this week's results:

The names of this week's "losers" were dropped into a coffee cup and this week's WINNER is Dette!

And check it out! We had an over all loss again this week! Congrats to Grace for being this week's biggest loser of 3.8 pounds!! Be sure to cruise over to her blog and congratulate her!

Chris - 1 LOSS
Tammy - 0.5 GAIN
Life With Hashi-Thyroid Blog - no report
Grace - 3.8 LOSS
Leigh - 0.5 LOSS
Clara - No Change
Dette - 1.5 LOSS
Julie - No Change
Cheryl - No Change
Audrey - no report
Christy - 1.4 LOSS
Tina - 0.5 GAIN
Danielle - No Change
Jessie - 3 GAIN
Steph - no report

This week's total - 4.2 LOSS!


Julie said...

You will do good this week - I know you can do it! You will be working so hard you might even forget to eat :). Good Luck! & you did great again last week.

Chris said...

woo hoo ! you are consistant every week woman! that is like SO Cool ! Oh, and I would go w/the Subway. Have you tried the Veggie 6" ? Its like 200 calories and its really good, I totaly love it! but the foot longs are good tooooooo. yum !

Unknown said...

Keep it up! You're doing a great job! I know that that 30 lb. mark is well within your reach!

Clara said...

Way to go! It's so cool that you are almost at 30 pounds.

I'd vote for Subway, too. I've found that I tend to eat more if it's pizza.

Jessie said...

Congrats on the loss!

Dette said...

You are on a roll - you go girl! Congrats on the loss - we might see YOUR name for the prize next week! :)

Pam said...

great job on the loss! subway sandwiches would def be a good alternative. they have all those choices w the less fat/cal.

i had subway this past week...except i picked on of the unhealthiest one: 6 in spicy italian. hey, i did use lite mayo tho LOL

Tammy said...

Great job on the loss! I'm sure this week will be another loss with all that work you are doing on your rental. Keep up the good work!